Dork Diary1
List the main characters and describe them:
Nikki Maxwell, a transfer student that is NOT-SO-POPULAR.
Mackenzie Hollister, the most popular girls at the school.
Brandon Roberts, a boy that Nikki and Mackenzie like.
My favorite character is:
I like this character because
Even though she isn't that popular, but she is kind.
where does the story take place:
Westchester Country Day Middle School
when does the story take place:
This is a realistic fiction, didn't really happen in real life, but the time is about nearing the school start.
Write a short summary of the story(50words):
Nikki wished that her mom could buy an iPhone for her, but her mom but her a diary, so she promise that she won't write anything on it. But, definitely she wrote it.
In school, she met new friends, Zoey and Chloe, they become best friend. She also met a guy which is totally handsome. And now is her enemy, Mackenzie, a rich perfect but mean girl.
本文出自: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1614020600752iphone手機配件外殼led手電筒燈飾照明球泡靜電球火焰燈露營燈燈條車燈iphone手機配件外殼led手電筒燈飾照明球泡靜電球火焰燈露營燈燈條車燈iphone手機配件外殼led手電筒燈飾照明球泡靜電球火焰燈露營燈燈條車燈iphone手機配件外殼led手電筒燈飾照明球泡靜電球火焰燈露營燈燈條車燈iphone手機配件外殼led手電筒燈飾照明球泡靜電球火焰燈露營燈燈條車燈iphone手機配件外殼led手電筒燈飾照明球泡靜電球火焰燈露營燈燈條車燈